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“中华精神 民族脊梁”——张介宇 之 《胡杨礼赞》

2019-07-15 10:24 来源:综合


Zhang Jieyu, President of Huyang Academy of Art, President of Beijing Huyang Lizan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Researcher of the Academy of Calligraphy and Painting of the Central Museum of Culture and History, Creator of Huyang Lizan in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People, Director of China International Association of Calligraphy and Painting Arts, Member of China Artists Association, and disciple of Lingnan Master Li Xiongcai.


2015年6月 350x1000cm


His works "Wan Gu Song Yun" have been hung in the Central South China Sea and "Chang Qing Tu" has been collected in Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall, and three times he has created giant Chinese paintings for the Great Hall of the People: Washing Wan Gu without Fiber Dust (2010), Valley Flying Flow Map (2011), Hu Yang Ritual Praise (2015). Published works include Zhang Jieyu Painting Collection (Shaanxi People's Fine Arts Publishing House), Contemporary Chinese Painter Zhang Jieyu Excellent Selection (Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House), Hu Yang Lizan (Long Volume) (People's Fine Arts Publishing House), Zhang Jieyu Painting Selection (People's Fine Arts Publishing House), etc.


——观《胡杨礼赞》巨画有感 (节选)

凤凰卫视评论员 李可染艺术基金会秘书长 王鲁湘



Human Autobiography

—— Feelings on the Great Paintings of Poplar Praise (Excerpt)

Wang Luxiang, Secretary-General of Li Keran Art Foundation, a commentator of Phoenix Satellite TV

Standing in front of the giant painting Euphorbia, I can not stand solemnly and salute those great bodies which are either honorable or withered; nor can I ask those great souls who are standing or lying without "seeing thousands of miles and thinking for thousands of years".

I looked at Zhang Jieyu while rubbing Populus euphratica branches like clanking iron bones. My heart was filled with infinite emotion. A man who has experienced so many hardships, but does not lose his childlike heart, is only grateful for life, always grateful for others, full of love for life, infinite loyalty to the motherland, and strive for the best in art. Isn't it a wise man who lives in poverty without moving, lives in wealth without arrogance, never changes his happiness, never changes his ambition, and always admires only the noble and beautiful things? I believe that he devoted so much enthusiasm and energy to the creation of Euphorbia euphratica, it must be that Euphorbia euphratica forest in the desert aroused his resonance from the depths of his soul. In his inscription, he wrote: "The indomitable spirit of Populus euphratica deeply shocked my soul. I forgetted food for it, and mingled my life with his endless entanglement and cast it together. Countless mornings and nights, year after year like water, I and Populus euphratica indissoluble, dance with the same language. Yes, "eulogizing the poplar" is actually Zhang Jieyu's autobiography, but that is the only way, it is so personalized, every tree seems to be a part of his life, a figure. Mad songs, great sighs, long howls, low returns and silence are all wonderful chapters of life's enthusiasm. "Whoever exists will live forever."






四川大学教授 中国美术家协会理论委员会委员 林木

I wandered under the tens of meters long picture scroll, clearly heard the sound of fate knocking on the door, heard Beethoven's "Fifth Symphony" and "Ninth Symphony" repeatedly alternating sounds in the sky of Populus euphratica. Life and death, fate and heroes, sorrow and joy, multiple themes entangled, sometimes fierce conflict, sometimes joyful words. Finally, the sound of fate knocking on the door suddenly receded, all the fighting returned to silence, all sounds of silence. At this point, I seem to see the Dunhua sitting upside down on the sand dunes. Yes, the life history of Populus euphratica can best represent what Buddhism says: success, residence, destruction and emptiness. Thousands of years, thousands of years to live, thousands of years to bad, thousands of years to empty, and then reincarnation. This is a great disaster, but also a great sadness, why not a great joy?

I look at this picture, mixed with joy and sorrow.

Witness for the Great Nation and the Times

—— Reading Zhang Jieyu's Praise of Poplar Euphorbia (excerpts)

Professor Lin Mu, Member of the Theoretical Committee of China Artists Association, Sichuan University



Zhang Jieyu is suitable for big paintings. Zhang Jieyu strengthens his realm, which is different from the popular tendency of emphasizing the supremacy of brush and ink in today's Chinese painting circles. The supremacy of pen and ink is the result of the tendency of literati to enjoy leisure since the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. It is suitable for the performance of fanfanfandoudoufang sketches and is for the literati to play with. The pursuit of realm is the tendency from Tang, Song, Yuan to the mid-Ming Dynasty. This tendency calls for artistic conception, harmony between artistic conception and artistic conception, and artistic conception from artistic conception. Therefore, there are special requirements for modelling. To shape, we need to sketch. To sketch, we need to have the ability to reproduce details. After the Qing Dynasty, there was no emphasis on sketching, even if it did not emphasize details. Instead, there was the saying that "better than Qiu Qian as a writer, better than pen and ink as morale". The result was that Qiu Qian's style was derogated and his style was praised. The result was nothing more than imitating Qiu Qi of predecessors or playing with pen and ink with trifles, although the more refined the pen and ink, the smaller the number of tones was. Its atmosphere has remained unchanged so far.

But what Mr. Zhang Jieyu likes is the grand realm, the great momentum and the grand system. This kind of big picture needs big shape, big shape is inseparable from small details, and all this depends on the creation of foreign teachers, searching all the strange peaks.


古木驼铃200cmx500cm 2011年(与刘大为合作)


大漠英雄 95cmx177cm 2011年



胡杨林赞—生生不息 20cmx480cm 2012年





反照入溪翻石壁61cmx34cm 2007年