> 艺术 >


2021-10-18 16:37 来源:综合






Mei Zewei, the owner of Hanxiang Zhai, was born in 1959 in Shaoxing city, Zhejiang Province.

People's fine arts artists committee, international culture and art to China and South Korea artists association expert committee, member of Chinese calligrapher's association, zhejiang, Chinese hard-pen calligrapher's association, member of zhejiang hangzhou songcheng, vice President of the academies, the researcher at the Chinese painting of zhejiang province, zhejiang daily, zhijiang academy painters, ningbo calligrapher, deputy director of the foreign exchange, ningbo artist association member, Former CPPCC haishu District, Ningbo city, the first, the second, the third session of the committee, the former Ningbo Haishu Artists Association vice chairman, Zhejiang Thousand hands painting and Calligraphy institute vice president, Ningbo Collectors Association painting and calligraphy special committee director, the former "Ningbo Evening News" art editor.

His works of painting and calligraphy have won many prizes in national and international painting and calligraphy competitions. Paintings and calligraphy works are exhibited in the Auditorium of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, The National Art Museum of China, the Museum of Chinese History, the Chinese People's Military Museum, Ningbo Art Museum, Tianjin Art Museum, Ningbo Tianyi Pavilion Museum and museums in Beijing, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Hangzhou, Shanghai and other places. His works have spread to Austria, Japan, South Korea, France, Belgium, Australia and other countries, some of his works have been collected by international friends, and many of his works have been published in newspapers and magazines, known as "Jiangnan Yizhimei".





In 1987, he participated in the "First Sino-Japanese Hard pen Calligraphy Exhibition", which was exhibited in the Museum of Chinese History (now the National Museum of China), and toured to Tokyo, Osaka and other places in Japan, and was permanently collected by The Japanese Shodo.

In 1997, he participated in the national press painting and calligraphy Exhibition "Celebrating the Return of Hong Kong" and won the prize, which was exhibited in the National Art Museum of China and exhibited in Hong Kong and Macao.

September 2004 as a special guest to participate in the "celebration of the 55th anniversary of the founding of the People's Political Consultative Conference painting exhibition", works and Qi Gong, Wu Guanzhong, Bai Xueshi, Ouyang Zhongshi, Shen Peng, Li Duo, He Jiying and other domestic masters of art together in the auditorium of the National People's Political Consultative Conference, and published a large collection of fine paintings and calligraphy "Art Garden Competition show" (eight open).

Calligraphy and painting works for "contemporary painting and calligraphy seal cutting dictionary", "Chinese contemporary calligrapher's dictionary of contemporary youth calligrapher's one hundred" the world of Chinese painting and calligraphy works "of the 20th century Chinese Duo English calligraphy seal cutting highlights" the China local CPPCC sector works of the classic one hundred - China fine arts "ningbo calligraphy and painting" the competing show, broadcast daily "siming wind" and so on more than 50 large The picture album.






From 2014 to 2016, he participated in the "National Flower and Bird Painting Masters Invitational Exhibition" for three consecutive years, and his works were grandly exhibited in Tianjin Art Museum.

In 2016, he participated in the "Ink Art Exhibition" of China, Japan and South Korea (sponsored by Ningbo Municipal People's Government), and in the same year, he participated in the "Ningbo Famous Calligrapher and Painter Exhibition".

In 2019, he participated in the national painting and calligraphy Masters invitational exhibition "Painter's Context", a tribute to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and his works were grandly exhibited in Beijing Ethnic Culture Palace.

In 2020, he participated in the live creation exhibition and broadcast of Painting and calligraphy in the Spring Festival Gala of Splashing Ink on Chinese Love by CCTV Education Channel.

In June 2021, in order to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, more than ten paintings and calligraphy works were selected into the large-scale exquisite album "The First Batch of National Historical and cultural Inheritors of the Centenary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China", and were awarded the honorary title of "the first batch of National Traditional Chinese painting inheritors of the centenary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China".


Appreciation of works:

胸中有大义 笔下有乾坤


梅、兰、竹、菊都具有高洁坚贞之品格、飘逸清雅之姿质,故以君子为喻。在中国传统花鸟画里,艺术家们用笔墨在纸上呈现出栩栩如生的梅兰竹菊形象,这些艺术化了的植物,不但比自然中的更加典型、生动,而且被赋予了人的品格精神。梅兰竹菊四君子,如此有内涵的题材,是古今画家笔下的常客,自古至今擅长画梅兰竹菊的画家不在少数,梅则伟先生就是其中之一。 人生不易,一路坎坷,一路芬芳,梅花精神。

“墙角数枝梅,凌寒独自开。遥知不是雪,为有暗香来。” 王安石的这首《梅花》表达了追求梅花独立、清高、与世无争的品性。在甬城就有这么一位用“傲骨虚心竹有低头叶,傲骨梅无仰面花”来形容他谦虚温谨的性格的书画艺术家—梅则伟。梅则伟姓梅,尤其擅长画梅花,是寒香斋主人,在他的作品中,梅枝古朴苍劲,梅花娇艳欲滴,表达了凌寒傲霜、自强不息的民族精神。原国家文物鉴定委员会副主任、中国收藏家协会会长史树青,曾为梅则伟亲题“江南一枝梅”。











宣德道情文乃贵,明微谨始礼为宗。 艺术是空灵的,也是内心的, 莫道尺幅小,眼角天地宽。在梅则伟先生的作品里,每一幅作品都记录着一个时代,见证着一段历史,举起爱国主义精神传承的火炬;诉说文化的传承,创作一幅作品,表达一种演绎,镌刻着老一辈艺术家在“不忘初心,牢记使命”总战略引领下加快实现中华民族伟大复兴的坚实步伐。

