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2018-06-14 15:31 来源:综合

    王敏善, 独立艺术家,国家一级美术师。生于徽、九华山佛文化深厚底蕴的皖南池州,其外祖父系汉代名臣、思想家、政治家董仲舒直系后裔。外祖父善书,其幼承庭训,自幼喜书,浸淫日久,日励其书,性近书艺,筑基国学涵养诗文,广临历代名家大师先学。弱冠以后游学四方,寻师访友登山临水,开拓视野。
    Wang Minshan, an independent artist, national first class artist. Born in Anhui Province and Chizhou's profound culture, Dong Zhongshu, a descendant of the ancestral line, a famous Han Dynasty minister, thinker and politician, was born in Chizhou, Anhui Province. His grandfather is good at books, his young family training, his childhood happy book, a long period of immersion, the books of the sun, the book of calligraphy, the construction of Chinese poetry and culture, and the masters of the famous masters of the past dynasties. After the weak crown, travel around the four corners, find a teacher to visit friends, climb mountains and face water, expand their horizons.
    Calligraphic works, learning ancient people, but not the ancients, pay attention to other arts to draw nutrition, books are unclumsy, bold, elegant, reflecting the atmosphere of the times.

    His works participated in the influential exhibitions at home and abroad, winning dozens of awards, traveling to Hong Kong, Australia, Taiwan, Japan, the United States and other places, and widely collected by domestic and foreign library collectors. Many times donated works for charity and hope project. His works are thick and dry; the free ink between the ink and ink, the white healing of the rich ink and the ink; the inaction is an abstract artistic climax of the magnificent, the good shape of the gods; it is one of the most powerful calligraphers and calligraphers of the contemporary China. And there are a variety of personal collections published.






