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2018-06-14 15:29 来源:环球艺术

导读: 方家成,笔名方禹门,斋名“云雾轩”。男,汉族,一九四一年出生于湖南临湘。母知书理,乃齐白石大第子我国著名金石书画大师李立之姨母,见其自幼好学,好玩石弄墨。有追求艺术之天赋,故,其母督教其严,先引荐于侄,求以指点正教。经几十年如一日,不畏笔耕之苦,上下求索,画纸...


Fang Jia Cheng, pen name Yu man, Zhai named "cloud and mist". Male and Han nationality, born in Linxiang, Hunan, in 1941. The mother knows the book principle, is Qi Baishi's great son, the famous aunt of our famous stone painting and calligraphy master Li Lizhi. Having the gift of pursuing art, his mother taught him to be strict, and first introduced him to his nephew, so as to point out the Orthodox Church. After decades of being afraid of writing, it is hard for us to go up and down. Especially the work of the knife. In the blue realm of the Castle Peak, the artistic style of the work, the vigorous and vigorous style, and the solemn and stirring character of the mountains make the weather extremely fascinating. A strong style of homogeneity is unique. His cousin Li Li was encouraged to write his own inscription, "Fang Yumen".






Fang's works won the gold medal in the successful Olympic National seal cutting competition, and won the silver prize in the first Chinese painting and calligraphy exhibition. In the third, Fourth World Chinese Hong Kong large art exhibition, his works won the special gold medal and the international special prize, for the world's first stele, written hundreds of inscriptions, for the 2008 first rolls of our Olympic Games, for the famous residence of the celebrities, scenic spots, many places to stay ink, engraved. Quite a number of works of calligraphy, painting and seal cutting have been included in the collection of famous masters. Li Li, who was nearly ninety of the year of the year, was old first for her face, and he was happy to write the inscription on the 100 meter scroll of the three hundred Tang poetry. The Chinese parasol tree leads the wind dance; the bitter cold plum laughs to help the Dragon Yin.





His works are well received by celebrities from all over the world, politicians, businessmen, and famous screen names. The boss of Shenzhen is the exclusive champion of the TV series. The special topic of Shenzhen TV is "special column for people." Liu Bingsen, Ouyang Zhongshi, and so on, said that their seal cutting works are dignified, intelligent, vigorous, atmospheric, new to the old, unreal and unpredictable. In particular, the book of "Fang Yu gate's book indifferent poetry" was written by Mr. Shen Peng, the former chairman of the Chinese Calligrapher's Association, and Mr. Li Duo made a narration. It gave a high evaluation of "great God, wonderful and interesting, ancient and not ancient, new and not favorite". The leadership of the Ministry of culture affirms that it is a master of Chinese art, a master of art, the honorary title of the leading figures of calligraphy and painting. However, he is not so ashamed of himself as he is.















