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2020-12-15 10:23 来源:综合


中国最美艺术抗疫英雄评委会评:盛灿明老师是立体书法画创始人,中国文化上下五千年,你把立体书法文化进一步改革创新, 推陈出新,健立了立体书法画史上又一个里程碑,而且你的立体书法画作品,世界上独一无二,“美”群体认为高手在民间之巅,你已经超越了二王,前无古人,后无来者,立体书法画首先作为国礼,希望各级博物馆、收藏家、拍卖行、爱好者关注收藏。

盛灿明老师是立体书法画一代宗师、 文艺泰斗、博士位,字体最美,最具收藏价值。创建了中国立体书法画研究院。

盛灿明,江苏省泰州市靖江市人,男、汉族,1933 年3月生,靖江市农资总公司,经理部总账会计之职,自幼酷爱书画工作之余一直研究书画,临摹碑帖,做到作者自已不辩真与仿,达到临摹巅峰,实现童年理想。

2014年8月文化部会议决定 中国书美协评审: 其“立体书法独立书法界一派”可谓当代立体书法创始人。










Introduction to the art of China's most beautiful art anti-epidemic hero jury evaluation: Sheng Canming teacher is the founder of three-dimensional calligraphy and painting, Chinese culture on the next five thousand years, you have three-dimensional calligraphy culture further reform and innovation, innovation, has established another milestone in the history of three-dimensional calligraphy and painting, and your three-dimensional calligraphy and painting works are unique in the world, the "beauty" group believes that the top among the people, you have surpassed the two kings, never before or since, three-dimensional calligraphy and painting first as a national gift, I hope that all levels of museums, collectors, auction houses, collectors pay attention to the collection. Sheng canming is a master of three-dimensional calligraphy and painting, master of literature and art, Doctor Degree, the Most Beautiful Font, the most collection value. Founded the Chinese three-dimensional Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute. Sheng Canming, born in Jingjiang, Jiangsu Province, Male, Han nationality, March, 1933, Sheng, Jingjiang agricultural and capital General Company, General Ledger Accounting of the management department, has been studying painting and calligraphy since childhood, Copying Steles and placards, so that the author himself does not argue with the truth and imitation, to achieve the peak copy, to achieve the ideal of childhood. In August 2014, the meeting of the Ministry of Culture decided that the evaluation of the Chinese calligraphy and Art Association: Its "independent calligraphic school" can be said to be the founder of contemporary three-dimensional calligraphy. Concurrently: A life-long President of Songzhuang International Academy of Calligraphy and painting. Leader of Chinese Art Association: Director of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association, China International Art Network. Vice President of Chinese Contemporary Art Association

盛先生荣誉证书Mr. Shing's certificate of honor




书法作品赏析Appreciation of calligraphic works











