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2020-12-15 10:16 来源:综合



中央电视台星光影视园,国际品牌联合会授予“国礼艺术名家常世福工作室”铜牌。常世福,被选拔为2016年中国好品牌品牌影响力书画家。当代艺坛30位影响力人物。擅长写意人物画。所作重气势、尚神韵、法自然,追求诗、书、画、印融为一体的意蕴,意境深邃,气势浑厚、豪放等特点。作品在全国性大展赛获金、银、铜奖。2007年10月被联合国教科文组织授予“人类贡献奖文化艺术类美术金奖” 、“中国非物质文化遗产功勋人物”称号。选入中国艺术研究院《文艺年志》中。CCTV-2鉴宝杂志在2012.5期当代名家中推荐。肖像和作品被国家专题邮票及庆祝建国65周年主题中国邮册收入,12副作品邮票在全国发行。收入并入编《中国当代艺术界名人录》、《世界名人录》、《艺术大师与传世名作》、文化部文化艺术人才中心主编的《伟大的文艺复兴》,文化部《中华艺术瑰宝》2015华人美术年鉴等几十部典籍。代表作品在《中国当代最具影响力书画名家展》、《走进当代书画大家》等展出,并由百家权威网络媒体中人民网、新华网、魅力中国网、朝闻天下网、凤凰网、文化中国网、中国企业报道、百度、谷歌、等许多网络媒体联播。出版中国艺术名家常世福个人画集。作品发表在人民日报、人民政协报、人民日报欧洲网丶中国十大品牌网、中国奢侈品网等主流媒体上。

Chang Shifu, pseudonym Changzhen. He was born in Longxi gansu province in 1961. Senior art teacher in high school. Bachelor degree. He is a member of Chinese artists Association (International) and Gansu artists Association. China Education TELEVISION Ink Danqing Painting and calligraphy institute member, Honorary director of Beijing Yihai Danqing Painting and calligraphy Institute.

Chang Shifu, the bronze medal awarded by the International Brand Federation of CCTV Starlight Film and Television Park "National Gift Artist Chang Shifu Studio", was selected as the 2016 Chinese good brand brand influence calligrapher and painter. 30 influential figures in contemporary art. Good at freehand figure painting. It is characterized by imposing manner, elegant charm, natural law, the pursuit of poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing, profound artistic conception, vigorous momentum and unrestrained. His works won gold, silver and bronze awards in national exhibitions. In October 2007, he was awarded the "Gold Medal of Fine Arts in the Category of Culture and Art" and the "Outstanding Figures of China's Intangible Cultural Heritage" by UNESCO. Selected into the Annals of Literature and Art of The Chinese Academy of Arts. Cctv-2 treasure Appraisal magazine was recommended by contemporary famous artists in May, 2012. The portraits and works were included in the national special stamps and the China Stamp Album celebrating the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and 12 sets of stamps were issued throughout the country. Collected and edited dozens of classics such as Who's Who in Chinese Contemporary Art Circle, Who's Who in the World, Masters and Masterpieces of Art, The Great Renaissance, edited by the Cultural and Artistic Talent Center of the Ministry of Culture, and Chinese Art Treasures 2015 Yearbook of Chinese Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture. His representative works have been exhibited in the exhibition of the most influential calligraphers and painters of contemporary China, into the masters of contemporary calligraphy and painting, etc., and have been broadcast by hundreds of authoritative online media, including People's Daily online, xinhuanet, charming Chinese online, zhaowentian.com, fenghuan.com, culture Chinese online, China enterprise report, baidu, Google, and many other online media. He published a collection of personal paintings by chang Shifu, a famous Chinese artist. His works have been published in People's Daily, PEOPLE's Political Consultative Conference, People's Daily Europe, China top ten Brands, China Luxury Goods website and other mainstream media.











































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素笔净墨引中兴, 倾情文化成一派。




                                   ——著名书画评论家  史峰  2017年9月

Plain pen net inks bring revival, love culture into a school.

Famous review

In Chinese figure painting, dress lines are high-end modeling techniques, but also difficult to control techniques, line is painted half. It is obvious that chang Shifu's superb level of line making in The "Confucius Asked Pictures" is of very high quality through the outline of clothing lines. The stick pen, just is the quality of flying, clothes into the neishang people into the road, according to the lines to create a body, artistic conception, high skill, chang Shifu know all grasp, so he is able to light on the character fine painting master. No matter what kind of painting, pay attention to clean. Clean is the quality of the picture, clean works from the perspective of art edification, touching people. The vows of Righteousness in Peach Garden is also a good work of pure ink. The characters have clean faces and clear hearts, so the vows of Righteousness in Peach Garden USES clean ink to interpret the moral spirit of living together with sincerity and clean hearts. This loyalty is like a glass of water, clear and moving, so this painting is like a glass of water, the quality is the most beautiful. Chang Shifu's figure painting is usually based on Taoist, celestial and traditional cultural figures, so his works are not only grounded, but also based on the core spiritual value of Chinese culture. His figure painting is not only about the painting of figures, but also about the interpretation of morality and the pursuit of painting. For example, "Lao Zi goes out" a painting, Lao Zi body plain, riding mo Niu, plain mo separated but supporting each other, this is what kind of plan? It is of course the scene interpretation of the Taiji diagram, the plan of heaven. Therefore, Chang Shifu's figure painting is not only the painting of figures, but also the painting culture, painting the way of Heaven, painting mystery, painting wonderful, there is momentum, beauty, more wisdom.

Admire his figure painting, most can provoke reverie, thought - provoking. The life plan in the painting, painting can connect the heart, figure painting under the guidance of Chang Shifu, how can not be prosperous! Speaking of the strong humanistic atmosphere of Chang Shifu's figure painting, it is necessary to appreciate a four-screen figure painting "Fishing Firewood and Ploughing Reading", which can be a model and be handed down to the world. Four screen each choose a traditional cultural character, animal husbandry, farming, firewood, four heavy fishing scene, character form nature, interest and rich New Year pictures and QingQi have landscape painting, plus TiKuan cursive work, quality, and the beauty of engraving, verve nature, harvest the poetry, books, paintings, printed figure painting performance of power, will GengDou culture, witty layers of release, is the beauty, and culture is profound artistic conception, embodies the artist ultra high grafting fusion culture art ability. Painting is scholarly and a new fashion. Therefore, chang Shifu, who expressed his love for cultural expression, also opened up his own new world of "literati figure painting" on the road of leading figure painting to realize its revival. The intention inserts Willow, indeed as expected becomes the shade, plain pen clean ink, is not only the brushwork ink skill, still is the culture merit! For the collection of investment, are the choice of goods. Plain pen net inks bring revival, love culture into a school. Chang Shifu has a figure painting on the road of Zhongxing, which has won numerous awards. He has won the gold Medal of the cultural and artistic category of the People's Contribution Award and the title of the Outstanding figure of China's intangible cultural heritage. The work has been released into 12 sets of stamp products, into a cultural business card, dozens of mainstream media have reported his figure painting attainments and leading the success of the revival. At the same time, the outstanding artist or senior art teacher, art is not wrong division, master education apprentice, in his efforts, figure painting will add new strength, resurgence can wait!

Shi Feng, famous painting and calligraphy critic, September 2017