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2020-10-14 10:38 来源:人民日报欧洲网

赖荣喜,男,1935年出生于深圳市,《当代著名书法家》,《中国文化艺术发展联合会名誉主席》,《中国书法家协会》会员,《中国国礼艺术家》,《中国文化保护(书法类)传承人》,《意大利罗马画院终身院士》,《中国当代最具投资收藏价值书画名家》。2020年获《中国艺术杰出典范人物奖》。 2010年《巴黎中国传统文化展》金奖获得者,九月《世界杰出华人联合会》、《中国书画美术家协会》、《世界教科文组织》授予《世界孔子文学艺术奖》金奖。2013年获《中国兰亭工艺美术奖》终身成就奖。2015年《中国邮政》和《美国集邮》分别出版《赖荣喜珍藏邮册》。2017年8月在圣城曲阜孔庙举办100幅书法展。2018年《中企报盟信息科学研究院》、《企业家日报》授予《改革开放四十年突出贡献艺术家》称号。2019年《中国文化艺术联合会》授予《德艺双馨艺术家》称号。共和国二十周年华诞孔子奖章获得者,澳门回归二十周年,表彰为《华人楷模》。2020年东京奥运《文化交流大使》。

Lai Rongxi, male, born in 1935 in shenzhen city, the famous contemporary calligrapher, honorary President of the China association of arts and culture development, member of Chinese calligrapher's association, the China national gift artist ", "Chinese culture protection (calligraphy class) inheritance person", "member of Rome, Italy art academies for life", "the most investment value for collection of contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting masters". In 2020, he won the Outstanding Model Of Chinese Art Award.

In 2010, he won the gold medal in The Exhibition of Chinese Traditional Culture in Paris. In September, he was awarded the gold medal in the World Confucius Prize for Literature and Art by the World Outstanding Chinese Federation, The Association of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artists and THE World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. In 2013, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award of China Lanting Arts and Crafts Award. In 2015, China Post and American Philately published Lai Rongxi Collection of Stamps respectively. In August 2017, an exhibition of 100 calligraphies was held at the Confucius Temple in Qufu, the holy city. In 2018, "China Enterprise Daily Alliance Information Science Research Institute" and "Entrepreneur Daily" awarded the title of "Artist with Outstanding Contribution in 40 Years of Reform and Opening up". In 2019, The China Federation of Culture and Art awarded the title of "Artist of Virtue and Art". The Confucius Medal winner on the 20th anniversary of the Republic of China and the 20th anniversary of the return of Macao are honored as "Chinese Model". Ambassador for Cultural Exchange for Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

权威部门的点评:《文化部艺术服务中心》:(2009年) 赖荣喜的书法作品毫无矫揉造作之态,也无雕虫斧凿之嫌。从整体上看洒自如。轻松灵动,足以观察到作者娴熟的技巧。从笔法、用墨、章法布局来看,可谓心平气和、兴到笔随,随意挥洒,尽情尽兴。作品还渗透着一种“质朴”。《中国收藏》杂志:(2011年) 来荣喜老师的作品诸体善,大小亦能,实非功力深厚者不可为。观其篆书,在古体基础上加以变化,将自已的情绪、追求融入其中,打开了篆书的表达能量。而其行、草书则带有篆隶笔译,变流利为雄强,气格不俗。《中国文联》:(2013年) 赖荣喜老师从书法的根源创新,字字端庄肃穆,古意充足,从结字遗像中可以见到汉隶诸碑真谛,并能将书法古拙与大气融为一体,拙中见巧,方正中力求变化。可见先生对书法的深刻理解。运笔雄健有力,笔锋深藏不露,意蕴内敛,笔力含蓄苍劲,可见功底深厚,不愧是当代承前启后的艺术大师。《中国书法协会名誉主席》沈鹏先生的点评:(2012年) 赖荣喜先生的作品刚柔相济,动静相因,柔美中蕴含着遒劲,潇洒中昭示着挺拔。在用笔上充分利用毛笔的园劲和亦弹性,善于用墨,显示出或润或燥,亦刚亦柔,顺其天成的手法。在继承古代书家的基础上融入自己的手法,充分体现了先生独特的审美观点。通观察之下,尤觉神采飞扬,逸趣横生,旋律,节奏都把握的十分和谐,具有非常耐人寻问的艺术效果,这不是仅有笔墨功夫就可以达到的,望博采从派之长,立自身之异,并逐渐形成哈完善自家的理论和风格而自成体系。再接再厉为推动中国文化事业,做出应有的贡献。

《中国书法家协会》主席苏士澍的点评 (2016年7月) 赖荣喜老师潜心于书法创作,在继承传统的基础上大胆创新,作品基调高雅,气象正大,风格庄重,从横观上看给人一种很强生命力和视角冲击,字里行间显现的正直的品格和儒雅的风范,为发展我国传统艺术提供难得的借鉴和依据。相信赖荣喜先生的书法艺术会在诸多期待中攀越中国书法之巅

Comments from authorities

Art Service Center of the Ministry of Culture (2009)

Lai Rongxi's calligraphy works have no affectation, nor vulture. Look from the whole sprinkle freely. Easy enough to observe the author's skill. From the point of view of brushwork, ink, chapter layout, it can be described as calm, xing to follow the pen, free to write, to enjoy. There is also a "simplicity" in the work.

China collection magazine :(2011)

Mr. Lai Rongxi's works are good in all aspects and can be large or small. Look at the seal script, on the basis of the ancient style to change, their own emotions, the pursuit into which opened the expression of the seal script energy. And its line, cursive script with a seal script li translation, become fluent for the strong, qi not common.

China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (2013)

Mr. Lai Rongxi innovated from the root of calligraphy, the characters are dignified and solemn, and the ancient meaning is sufficient. The true meaning of all the tablets in Han dynasty can be seen from the portrait of jie Zi, and he can integrate the ancient calligraphy with the atmosphere, see ingenuity in the humble, and strive for change in the founder. This shows Mr. A's deep understanding of calligraphy. He is a powerful and powerful artist, with a hidden edge, restrained meaning, and reserved power. He is a master of contemporary art.

Honorary chairman of Chinese calligraphy association comments by Mr. Shen peng :(2012)

Mr. Lai Rongxi's works are characterized by the combination of hardness and softness, dynamic and dynamic phase, the gentle beauty contains the Dally, and the chic is clear and straight. Make full use of the strength and flexibility of the brush, good at using ink, show or embellish or dry, also rigid and soft, follow its natural technique. On the basis of inheriting the ancient calligrapher into their own techniques, fully embodies the unique aesthetic views of Mr.. Under observation, I feel especially cheerful and full of fun, with a very harmonious grasp of melody and rhythm and a very inquisitive artistic effect, which can not be achieved only by the skill of writing. I hope that I can learn from the school's strength, make my own differences, and gradually form and perfect my own theory and style into a system. Make persistent efforts to promote the cause of Chinese culture and make due contributions.

Comments by Su Shishu, Chairman of Chinese Calligraphers Association (July 2016)

Lai Rongxi teachers involved in the creation of calligraphy, the bold innovation, on the basis of inheriting the traditional works tone is decorous, meteorological zhengda, solemn style, look from the horizontal view gives a person a kind of very strong vitality and perspective, of integrity of character revealed between the lines and elegant style, for the development of traditional art in China provide a rare reference and basis. It is believed that Mr. Lai Rongxi's calligraphy art will climb to the top of Chinese calligraphy in many expectations.