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2018-06-22 19:53 来源:综合

导读: 林卓群,1960年生于广东省汕头市。籍贯:广东澄海。现是国家一级书法师、中国企业文化促进会、企业艺术家工作委员会副秘书长、中国东方艺术家协会副主席、中国企业联盟艺术促进会委员会委员、全国艺术名人联合委员会委员、世纪百家文化发展中心研究员、《企业家日...



Lin Zhuoqun was born in Shantou, Guangdong Province in 1960. Native place: Chenghai, Guangdong. It is a national first class book wizard, the Chinese Enterprise Culture Promotion Association, the vice secretary of the Work Committee of the enterprise artists, the vice chairman of the Chinese Association of Oriental artists, the committee member of the China Association for the Arts Promotion Council, a member of the National Association of art celebrities, a researcher at the century hundred cultural development center, and the entrepreneur daily. The Editorial Committee of the art investment magazine, the director of the Shantou branch of the Hongkong (International) chaosman painting and Calligraphy Association, the vice president of the Specialized Committee Council of the Chinese National Architecture Research Association, the Specialized Committee Council of the Information Science Research Institute of the Chinese enterprise.





Mr. Lin Zhuoqun, for a few years, created the art research studio in Shantou, Guangdong Province, to carry forward the Chinese culture and inherit the art of the Chinese nation, and have a good achievement in the field of calligraphy. The works have been exhibited in Beijing, Hongkong, Shandong, Xi'an, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Hebei, Jiangxi, and other provinces in Guangdong, and won gold and first prize times. Has been awarded "Chinese patriotic calligraphy and painting famous people", "national justice art celebrities", "1911 hundred years of Republic calligraphy and painting famous", "the outstanding contributor of the calligraphy and Painting Academy of Dongpo", "charitable calligraphy and painting ambassador", "charitable love figures", "outstanding Chinese Calligraphers", "outstanding Chinese contemporary calligraphy and painting artists", "people", "people" The title of "art celebrity of the sense of justice", "the most influential contemporary calligraphy and painting art image ambassador", "the pioneer of Chinese calligraphy and painting", "Chinese cultural heritage contributor", "Chinese national art inheritance ambassador", "the most popular famous calligraphy and painting masters" and so on, have been made many times by the Federation of Chinese Calligraphers and calligraphers. The Chinese Artists Exchange Society, the Hongkong Huaxia art exchange society, the Beijing Hanyi art academy, the Beijing Chinese Art Institute, the Dongguan Guanyin Mountain of Guangdong Province, and the Shantou Buddhist Association for permanent collection.



林卓群先生在书法艺术创作上,取得了丰厚的成就。2016年3月作为优秀人民艺术家称号,作品献礼全国两会,2017年10月31日,参加在中国文联文艺家之家举办的“庆祝十九大不忘初心跟党走 企业优秀书画作品展”,受到一致好评!2018年作为新时代杰出书法家、改革开放40年突出贡献书画名家、全国两会重点推荐艺术名家、聚焦新时代书画大家、当代书画界新领军人物、新时代书画领军人物、等称号作品献礼全国两会,并刊登发表在《中国企业报》上、中国企业报道、中国民族建筑研究会艺术专业委员会艺术报、中国网联袂报道献礼两会作品,引起社会各界的赞誉!

Mr. Lin Zhuoqun has made great achievements in the creation of calligraphic art. In March 2016, the title of the outstanding people's artist, his works gave a gift to the national two meetings. In October 31, 2017, he participated in the "Nineteen great unforgetting the first heart of the party and the outstanding painting and painting works of the party" held at the home of the Chinese Literary Federation. In 2018, as a new era of outstanding calligraphers, 40 years of reform and opening up the outstanding contribution of calligraphy and painting, the key recommendations of the national two conferences, the new era of calligraphy and painting, the new era of calligraphy and painting leading figures, new era of calligraphy and painting leading figures, and other Titles of the national two conferences, published in the "Chinese enterprise newspaper", Chinese enterprise reports, the art Specialized Committee of China National Architecture Research Association and China network jointly report the works of the two conferences, which have aroused the praise from all walks of life.
















