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传承经典 文化强国——陶艺名家黄修林

2023-12-18 21:45 来源:综合

黄修林,华南理工大学教授。中国陶瓷艺术与设计教育突出贡献奖,中国陶瓷工艺美术大师,1989 年毕业于景德镇陶瓷大学美术系,后分配到佛山市陶瓷研究所,从事陶瓷艺术创作和研究工作,1999 年代表中国陶艺家在美国圣何西州立大学、哈佛大学、俄亥俄州立大学等高校讲学与学术交流;2004年考入广州美术学院雕塑系研究生,师从梁明诚老院长;2005 年调入华南理工大学组建陶瓷艺术设计专业,陶瓷艺术设计专业学科带头人。现任华南理工大学陶瓷文化研究所所长,华南理工大学中国当代陶瓷艺术馆馆长,李茂宗现代陶瓷艺术馆馆长,江西九江青瓷文化研究所所长,中国陶瓷文化教育基地主任,粤港澳大湾区名人与大学文化研究中心副主任,2018年创建九江翰陶林文化创意园。


Huang Xiulin is a professor at South China University of Technology. Outstanding Contribution Award of Chinese Ceramic Art and Design Education, Master of Chinese Ceramic Arts and Crafts, graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Jingdezhen Ceramic University in 1989, and then assigned to Foshan Ceramic Research Institute, engaged in ceramic art creation and research. In 1999, he gave lectures and academic exchanges in SAN Jose State University, Harvard University, Ohio State University and other universities on behalf of Chinese ceramists. In 2004, he was enrolled as a graduate student in the sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, under the supervision of Mr. Liang Mingcheng. In 2005, he was transferred to South China University of Technology to establish the ceramic art design major, and became the discipline leader of the ceramic art design major. He is currently the director of the Institute of Ceramic Culture of South China University of Technology, the director of the Museum of Contemporary Chinese Ceramics of South China University of Technology, the director of Li Maozong Modern Ceramic Art Museum, the director of Jiangxi Jiujiang Celadon Culture Research Institute,Director of China Ceramic Culture Education Base, Deputy Director of Celebrity and University Cultural Research Center in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and the founder of Jiujiang Han Taolin Cultural Creative Park in 2018.

Huang Xiulin has been working in the field of ceramics for 36 years with his persevering spirit and enthusiasm, rigorous academic attitude, and steady and skilled skills. His works have won many awards in important ceramic art exhibitions at home and abroad. At the same time, the works are collected by the Ministry of Culture of China, major museums, art galleries and private art institutions. Huang Xiulin's modern ceramic art creation not only captures the aroma and spirit of the earth, but also grasps the beautiful painting effect of the glaze. He turns the clay fire into the universe, and sets off the reflection of "theory" and "texture" with "shape" and "glaze", making his works more perfect and creating a unique personal style of modern ceramic art.

化泥火为乾坤 -- 谈黄修林的现代陶艺创作

李茂宗现代陶艺和现代艺术在 20 世纪初同时发生在世界艺术中心的“巴黎”,由于时代的变迁移至美国的“纽约”,当时抽象艺术的兴起受到美术思潮革新之影响,使美国许多的艺术家产生了对现代陶艺的热捧,因而它独到的艺术创作理念带动着欧亚各国的艺术家,开拓了现代陶艺的市场。20 世纪 80 年代初,中国大陆开始迎来中西文化艺术的交流。1985 年,中国轻工业部主办“全国现代陶艺创作与设计”讲习班,我以联合国开发计划署(UNDP)陶瓷艺术顾问的身份,首次来到中国北京主讲“现代陶艺创作理念”,为期一周,学员来自全国各大美术学院教师和陶瓷产区设计人员 200 多人,足见他们对现代陶艺理念的新知和渴求。1987 年我再次奉轻工部之邀到中国瓷都--景德镇陶瓷学院讲学,那时黄修林不过是陶瓷学院的一位学生。印象中,他在众多学员里是一位认真向学、勤奋努力的学生。经过这若干年,我看到了他创作的现代陶瓷艺术品颇有特色,他以坚韧不拔的精神和热情,严谨治学的态度,稳健娴熟的技巧,在陶瓷天地里耕耘了 30 多年,作品也多次获得国内外重要陶瓷大展的奖赏和肯定,还受邀到美国参加了国际陶艺学术研讨会,等等。他的作品成绩斐然,在中国的陶艺界是个杰出的佼佼者,更是从传统陶瓷艺术中发掘的创新者,也是现代陶瓷艺术的推广者和传播者。黄修林自中外驰名的瓷都景德镇陶瓷学院毕业后,就职于陶都--佛山石湾陶瓷研究所,陶都的生产环境和陶瓷艺术氛围,使以他扎实的陶瓷艺术基础、师承名校名师的艺术理念和刻苦钻研的学习态度,通过实践,掌握泥性、拉坯、配釉、施釉、烧成等工艺。成熟的技巧融合他个人的风格理念和情感,丰富了其作品创作的一种特质,把传统陶瓷艺术之精髓与现代文化的创造意识相结合,他以化繁为简、自然雕琢为我所用,使用特殊技法技艺表现了现代陶艺之泥火釉彩,造型之微妙变化颇具创意特色。黄修林的陶瓷创作,大致可分为四个不同阶段时期的历程系列:



三、“陶艺雕塑”系列--这个系列的作品,他是从传统陶艺的工艺基本元素中挖掘创作,形成个人风格。审美观念走向开放自由创作的局面,表现艺术家真实的情怀和对泥与火深厚的感情,也是随着 20 世纪现代陶瓷美术运动热潮的掀起所形成的系列创作,例如他的《源》《延伸》《恋》等人体作品,是用变体造型演绎创作,使之简化塑造而成,具有典雅朴素的自然和谐之美。

四、“陶瓷装置造型”系列--装置艺术开创于 20 世纪 60 年代的西方,是当代艺术家们创举的素材,就地意念情绪组合,表达的是一种环境艺术的时空展现规律化的艺术现象。黄修林的陶艺装置是以东方元素作为创作素材,以陶瓷泥土雕塑成形、配单色釉及泥土原色,使作品强化除具有可塑性造型外,更增进它的质朴和东方美。“器皿造型设计”“陶瓷壁画、陶瓷版画彩绘”“陶瓷雕塑”“陶瓷装置造型”四个时期的造型与面貌各不相同,甚至相互对立。在这四个时期,造型中有一条贯穿始终的线,自然而流畅地展现创作者的风格与理念,反映了他现代艺术表现的中心,即是人的感情经验之意象。透过泥与火的禅释,用独特的造型和语言表达自然而澎湃的情感。这是他不同时期的作品中不同程度的呈现,也是他自身的情感世界和生命价值的表述,不同层次地体验着过程的蜕变,是其感性的经验、时代的烙印和时代的内涵,即是人性的意识,更是时代的文化意识之艺术观念。纵观黄修林的现代陶艺创作,他捕捉到了泥土的芳香、泥土的特性、泥土的生命,更掌握了釉色优美的彩绘效果,使之作品更趋完美的地步。他化泥火为乾坤,别出心裁,以其“造形”“釉彩”“理念”等“质感”的变化相互对映,注入个人风采创作的现代陶艺,其内涵的追求是无止境的,他的作品充满着朦胧而缤纷、沉静清雅、诗情画意,天外的回音犹如星河般恬静,宇宙迷茫,都在这些作品中的起承转合变化中展现。期望他作品的“形似”与“神似”彰显现代陶艺创作的一贯特立风格,格调造型中终其意境,端赖其造诣。



Turning Mud and Fire into Heaven and Earth -- On Huang Xiulin's

Modern Ceramic Art Creation Li Maozong's Modern Ceramic Art and Modern Art simultaneously occurred in the world art center of Paris in the early 20th century. Due to the changes of the times, they moved to New York in the United States. At that time, the rise of abstract art was influenced by the reform of art trends, which led many American artists to have a passion for modern ceramic art, Therefore, its unique artistic creation concept has driven artists from various Eurasian countries and opened up the market for modern pottery.In the early 1980s, Chinese Mainland began to welcome the exchange of Chinese and Western culture and art. In 1985, the Ministry of Light Industry of China hosted the "National Modern Ceramic Art Creation and Design" workshop. As a ceramic art consultant of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), I came to Beijing, China for the first time to give a lecture on "Modern Ceramic Art Creation Concepts" for a week. The students came from over 200 teachers from major art colleges and ceramic production areas across the country, demonstrating their new knowledge and thirst for modern ceramic art concepts.In 1987, I was once again invited by the Ministry of Light Industry to give a lecture at Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, the porcelain capital of China. At that time, Huang Xiulin was just a student of the Ceramic Institute. In my impression, he is a diligent and hardworking student among many students. After several years, I have seen that his modern ceramic artworks are quite distinctive. With a tenacious spirit and enthusiasm, a rigorous academic attitude, and steady and skilled skills, he has cultivated the ceramic world for more than 30 years,The work has also won awards and recognition from important ceramic exhibitions both domestically and internationally, and has been invited to participate in international ceramic academic seminars in the United States, among others. His works have achieved remarkable results, making him an outstanding figure in the ceramic industry in China. He is also an innovator in traditional ceramic art and a promoter and disseminator of modern ceramic art.After graduating from the renowned porcelain capital Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute at home and abroad, Huang Xiulin worked at the Shiwan Ceramic Research Institute in Foshan, Taodu. The production environment and ceramic art atmosphere of Taodu enabled him to master the techniques of mud properties, casting, glaze matching, glaze application, and firing through practice, thanks to his solid foundation in ceramic art, the artistic philosophy of learning from renowned teachers and diligent research. Mature techniques integrate his personal style, philosophy, and emotions, enriching a characteristic of his work creation, combining the essence of traditional ceramic art with the creative consciousness of modern culture,He simplifies complexity and naturally carves for himself, using special techniques and techniques to express the mud, fire, and glaze colors of modern pottery. The subtle changes in shape are quite creative. Huang Xiulin's ceramic creations can be roughly divided into four series of stages and periods:

1、 The "Vessel Design" series mainly focuses on the design of colored glazed vessels and blue and white glazed red and white vessels, breaking free from the constraints and consistency of traditional shapes, and moving towards modern ceramic art with smooth lines, beautiful glaze colors, and distinctive characteristics of the times, possessing the beauty of elegant decoration.

2、 The "Ceramic Mural" series - ceramic printmaking and color painting works, is his most representative work. His modern painting consciousness combined with traditional underglaze color craftsmanship skills in the future, making every artwork showcase its traditional Eastern charm everywhere, while also expressing an indescribable and indescribable driving force in abstract art. He exudes emotions and imagination from the heart, unconsciously combining and creating imagery, This is also his particularly outstanding performance in his decorative creations, mainly focusing on high relief pottery murals, pottery prints, colored glazed murals, and porcelain plate painting. His pottery plate paintings are quite poetic and picturesque.

3、 The "Ceramic Sculpture" series - This series of works excavates and creates his personal style from the basic elements of traditional ceramic craftsmanship. The trend of aesthetic concepts towards open and free creation reflects the artist's true emotions and deep feelings towards mud and fire. This is also a series of creations formed with the rise of the modern ceramic art movement in the 20th century. For example, his works on human bodies such as "Source", "Extension", and "Love" are created by using variant forms to simplify and shape them, possessing an elegant and simple natural and harmonious beauty.

4、 The "Ceramic Installation Modeling" series - Installation art was founded in the 1960s in the West and is a material created by contemporary artists. It combines ideas and emotions in place, expressing a regular artistic phenomenon of environmental art in time and space. Huang Xiulin's ceramic installation is based on Eastern elements as creative materials, formed by ceramic clay sculptures, matched with monochrome glaze and clay primary colors, to enhance the work's plasticity and enhance its simplicity and Eastern beauty.The shapes and appearances of the four periods of "vessel design", "ceramic murals, ceramic printmaking and painting", "ceramic sculpture", and "ceramic installation design" are different and even contradictory to each other. In these four periods, there is a continuous line in the form that naturally and smoothly displays the creator's style and philosophy, reflecting the center of his modern artistic expression, which is the imagery of human emotional experience.Through the Zen interpretation of mud and fire, express natural and surging emotions with unique shapes and language. This is a different degree of presentation in his works from different periods, as well as an expression of his own emotional world and life value. He experiences the transformation of the process at different levels, which is his emotional experience, the imprint of the times, and the connotation of the times. It is not only the consciousness of human nature, but also the artistic concept of the cultural consciousness of the times.Throughout Huang Xiulin's modern ceramic creations, he captured the fragrance, characteristics, and life of soil, and even mastered the beautiful glaze painting effect, making his works more perfect. He transformed mud and fire into the universe, creating a unique style that reflects the changes in texture such as "shape", "glaze color", and "concept". He infused his personal style into modern ceramic art, and his pursuit of connotation is endless. His works are full of hazy and colorful, calm and elegant, poetic and picturesque meanings, and the echoes from outside are as peaceful as a Milky Way. The confusion of the universe is reflected in the ups and downs of these works.It is expected that the similarity in form and spirit in his works showcases the consistent distinctive style of modern ceramic art creation, and that his artistic conception is ultimately reflected in his style and style, relying on his expertise.

(Li Maozong, former ceramic expert and consultant of the United Nations Development Programme, visiting professor at Taiwan University of the Arts and Donghai University, lecture professor at Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, China Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts, Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, etc.) October
