> 艺术 >


2022-02-22 10:40 来源:综合


吴万福,笔名静涛,男,汉族,祖籍山西洪洞县。1948 年2 月2 日出生在新疆迪化,成长在甘肃武威凉州,大学文化,中共党员,高级政工师,北京师范大学继续教育学院毕业。《中国矿业报》原特约记者,《甘肃工人报》原特聘记者。中华人民共和国文化高级职称,国家高级美术师,国家高级书法师。国家一级美术师;一级书法师,中书协会员、中美协会员、中国书法家协会理事。2008 年在金川公司二矿区党委工作部退休。系全国书画艺术委员会委员,全国书画艺术委员会副主席。中华国礼艺术家。2021年11月被国宝级艺术大师评审委员会、国礼文化官方网特聘为顾问和国宝艺术大师。

一带一路国际文明论坛组委会委员,吴万福——名人辞典,孔子美术馆培训中心特聘客座教授, 中央美术学院客座教授。中国中外名人文化研究会学术委员会北京古今翰墨书画院副院长,北京京华阁书画院常务理事。中国百家文化网专栏作家、高级书画师,百家编辑部特约编辑,中国百家文化网艺术展览馆副馆长,新时代艺术委员会荣誉主席,世界华人华侨艺术家联合会会员 , 董必武八一艺术研究院副院长,中国国艺人民书画院副院长、当代北京书画院副院长、北京艺海神州书画院终身名誉院长、中国悉尼书画院特邀艺术家。中国艺术文化普及促进会会员、中国亚太经济研究中心高级书法研究员、中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委员会会员、中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会会员。中国摄影家协会会员、中国收藏家协会会员、甘肃省美术、摄影、诗词协(学)会会员,中国李苦禅故里学会会员、黄河艺术研究院终身客座教授,吴万福硬笔书法入编《中国现代硬笔书法集》由安微美术社出版发行。


Wu Wanfu, pen name Jingtao, male, Han nationality, ancestral home in Hongdong County, Shanxi Province. Born on February 2, 1948 in Dihua, Xinjiang province, grew up in Liangzhou, Wuwei, Gansu Province, university culture, CPC member, senior political engineer, graduated from college of Continuing Education of Beijing Normal University. Former special correspondent of China Mining News and Gansu Workers News. Senior cultural title of the People's Republic of China, national senior artist, national senior calligrapher. National first-class artist; First class calligrapher, member of Chinese calligrapher's association, member of Chinese Artists' Association, director of Chinese calligrapher's Association. In 2008, he retired from working department of party Committee in No.2 Mining Area of Jinchuan Company. Department of the National Painting and calligraphy Art Committee, vice chairman of the National Painting and calligraphy Art Committee. Chinese national ceremony artist. In November 2021, he was appointed as a consultant and national treasure art master by national Treasure Art Master Appraisal Committee and national Gift culture official website.

Wu Wanfu, member of the Organizing Committee of the Belt and Road International Civilization Forum, celebrity Dictionary, visiting professor of Confucius Art Museum Training Center, visiting professor of The Central Academy of Fine Arts. Vice president of Beijing Ancient and Modern Calligraphy and Painting Academy, standing director of Beijing Jinghuage Calligraphy and Painting Academy. Chinese hundred culture network columnist, senior painting and calligraphy teacher, hundred editorial department guest editor, Deputy curator of Chinese hundred culture network art Exhibition hall, honorary chairman of the New era Art Committee, member of the World Federation of Chinese Overseas Chinese Artists, Dong Biwu, vice president of Bayi Art Institute, Vice president of Chinese Art People's Painting and Calligraphy Academy, vice president of Contemporary Beijing Painting and Calligraphy Academy, honorary lifetime president of Beijing Art Sea Shenzhou Painting and Calligraphy Academy, guest artist of China Sydney Painting and Calligraphy Academy. Member of Chinese art and culture popularization promotion Association, senior calligraphy researcher of China Asia-pacific Economic Research Center, member of Calligraphy and painting Art Professional Committee of Chinese national architecture Research Association, member of Chinese Couplet Society calligraphy Art Research Association. Member of China Photographers Association, Member of China Collectors Association, member of Gansu Province Fine arts, photography, poetry association (learning) association, member of China Li Kuchan Hometown Association, permanent visiting professor of Yellow River Art Research Institute, Wu Wanfu's hard pen calligraphy was compiled into "Chinese modern hard pen Calligraphy collection" published by Anwei Fine Arts Society.

Wu Wanfu's photography "ZA also won the Top prize this time" and other 18 works, selected "national culture network" first network photography exhibition exhibition. He was awarded the honorary certificate of "International Most collectible Artist" by the United Nations and sixteen countries, the honorary title of "A generation of famous Artists" by the Academic Committee of Chinese and Foreign celebrity Culture Research Association, and was hired as a contracted artist by Qi East Kaifu Culture Media Art Co., LTD., Kaifu Culture Exhibition Hall.









2019 年10 月在英国剑桥大学举办的第9 届华奖颁奖典礼上被剑桥市长颁发“大国工匠”,中英友好“亲善大使”等光荣称号。从小受到家庭的严格教育。五岁开始学习书画、政治、经济、文化艺术,涉猎广泛,受到地方名家郭忠藩、党允民、高今月的指教,聆听过穆青、黄宗英、贾平凹、黄河、吕厚民、赵港、陈兴华、李宝锋、王巨洲、李保竹等人的教诲,受益匪浅。在地方政府和企业各岗位工作中派上用场,得心应手,取得可喜成果。1984年至今获得优秀党员、政治思想先进工作者、优秀工会工作者等荣誉和摄影、美术、书法、论文、新闻、散文、杂文、诗词;被授予“共和国建设者——杰出功勋人物”、中国当代风采人物等殊荣300 多项。并且喜欢书画评论,为省内外60 多名书画家撰写评论文章,发表在各类报刊上。文化作品散见于各类报刊杂志。《企业政治思想工作的新与实》等十多篇政研论文在全国学术会议上获奖并被编入《党的生命一一加强党的执政能力建设》国家一级出版社出版的七部论著中。个人的生平简历和书画作品被收编进30 多本典籍。

2004 年在金昌、武威两地成功举办吴万福摄影展,展出作品168 幅。在建党95 周年、红军长征胜利80 周年之际,在金昌武威两地成功举办吳万福书画展,展出书画作品128 幅。书画作品受到国内外团体和个人的青睐,并得到广泛收藏。在全国多家报刊发表新闻稿件4000 多篇。

2018 年2 月在迎新春、同绘中国梦2018 书画名家艺术展中作品入展并荣获“最具民族文化风格艺术家”称号。2017 年7 月被国际孔子文化研究院、中国国画院、中国书法学会联合授予“共和国德艺双馨艺术名家”称号。2018 年全国“两会”期间由《艺术大观报》出特刊在C6 版推介吴万福专版进行宣传。由中国邮品研发组委会、中国集邮宣传中心网为他出版发行“人民公仆个性化邮票”;“庆祝中华人民共和国成立65 周年改革先锋个性化邮票”;“一带一路中国梦”中国当代摄影名家吴万福摄影作品限量版珍藏邮册;庆祝中华人民共和国70 周年“中国艺术先锋榜样人物——吴万福”限量版珍藏邮册。热烈庆祝改革开放40 周年“书画艺术《复兴之路》纪念人物——当代书画名家吴万福”。吴万福——艺联网官方网。长城文化书画网——吴万福官方网。艺术家书画官方网——中国名家市场网。艺专委动态- 民建会艺专委官网。出版中国当代书画名家吴万福电子画册,由中国艺术为人民——吴万福、吴万福——四十年四十个名书画家纪念改革开放40 周年特别报道。吴万福——新时代书画领军人物作品展。由新长城组委会授于吴万福《中国长城文化金奖》、《中国新长城杰出艺术家》,书画作品被撰刻镶嵌在八达岭新长城上。2018年9 月7 日至8 日,在中央电视台星光大道演播厅,被2018 中国大健康产业高峰论坛暨中国梦. 健康梦. 书画梦颁奖盛典组委会授予“2018 中国当代书画十大领军人物”。

2018 年10 月被中国美术家协会、中国书法家协会、中国人民书画家协会、中国传统文化发展中心联合评为“中国最具实力派艺术家”奖。吳万福书画作品在台湾、韩国、法国、匈牙利、中俄艺术展、英国展出。2017 年7 月10 日在“纪念香港回归祖国二十周年全国诗词书画摄影大赛”中国画《玉兰孔雀》获金奖。2017 年8 月1 日在“纪念中国人民解放军建军九十周年全国诗词书画摄影大赛”中《毛泽东在抗日时期》国画获金奖。2018 年10 月10日在“纪念改革开放四十周年全国诗词书画摄影作品大赛中”剪纸《四大美人》获金奖。2018 年8 月在“金鼎艺术奖全国书画大赛”中焦墨山水《祁连韵》、书法《十九大主题词》均获铜奖。2018 年11 月在“首届‘翰墨丹青’全国书画大赛”中国画四条屏《金玉满堂》、书法篆书两条屏《唐诗》均获银奖。2019 年1 月在“百花迎春全国书画大赛”中国画《王者之风》、书法《隶书对联》均获金奖。2019 在“艺术新时代全国书画大赛”中,国画《春满山川》、书法《中国梦》均获金奖。2018 年6 月在“雅集京华. 诗会百家‘全国首届百泳诗会’”评选中《赞十三届政协会》五首诗获一等奖。并被选入《中国当代精品鉴赏大全》出版发行。散文《寻找红色足迹》在“四海杯海内外诗联书画大赛”中获金奖,并被收入《四海杯海内外诗联书画精品集》出版发行。出版发行了《纪念改革开放40 周年四十家》、《中国当代书画名家》、《庆祝建国70 周年当代艺坛70 年70 家》,2018 年12 月由中国文联出版社,出版发行《吳万福作品集》、《中国当代名家大辞典》、《中国书画家报》、《中国企业报》、《中国长城艺术》、《中国名家作品收藏与鉴赏》刊登宣传。CETV 水墨丹青书画院济宁分院2019 年第11 期会刋作为" 一带一路杰出书画领航人物" 宣传2019 年6 月被CETV 水墨丹青书画院济宁分院授予" 中国书画艺术发展引领者称号。2019 年8 月5 日被新时代人民艺术网聘为“新时代人民艺术网艺术委员会”终身荣誉理事。2019 年8 月30 日在建国70 周年网络投票推荐”艺术家" 活动中获银杯奖。个人专辑出版发行。由国家现代艺术网先后推出:“人物报道”当代最具投资收藏价值的书画名家一吳万福。“两会专题”2019 年全国两会重点推荐艺术名家一吳万福。“同抒爱国情·共筑中国梦”建国70 周年全国重点推荐艺术名家一吳万福。由人民艺术收藏网“两会专题”吴万福“向人民汇报·向两会献礼”一2019 全国两会官方推荐艺术家,并有六家部门联合发荣获2019 年十三届全国人大二次会议,十三届全国政协二次会议,全国两会重点推荐" 人民艺术家″荣誉称号。个人辞条被收入《中国当代书画家辞典》《世界美术家大辞典》《中国美术70 年》,《为了祖国的荣誉. 英雄模范功臣谱》被定为封面人物。·2019 年6 月29 日应邀参加了中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会在北京会议中心举办的“明德引领风尚 挥毫抒写时代--- 庆祝建国70 周年新文艺群体书画家座谈会”。7 月为庆祝中国与匈牙利建交70 周年,被特邀参加匈牙利书画展,匈牙利杜丽卡波妮娅主席、议员等各界知名人士参加开幕式,匈牙利国家电视台做了及时新闻报道。2019 年7 月19 日吳万福被《人民日报》客户端以“苍郁沉雄、意境悠远”重点报道。2020 年1 月在“ 百花艺术奖”全国书画大赛中,国画《夫唱妇随》、书法《厚德载福》均获金奖。五月在第三届兰亭艺术奖全国大赛中,国画《白衣天使战疫魔》书法行书自撰诗《齐心协力战疫魔》均获金奖。在抗疫期间居家搞书画、剪纸作品近百幅。被人民日報网,名书画家网、北京书画网,武威艺术家网宣传报道。向北京国艺人民书画院义捐书画作品六幅。2020 年11 月1 日,在第二届“金鼎艺术奖”全国书画大赛活动中,美术作品《骏马奔腾》、书法篆书《河湟》均获金奖。

In October 2019, at the 9th China Award ceremony held by The University of Cambridge, he was awarded the honorary titles of "Great Country Craftsman" and "Goodwill Ambassador" by the Mayor of Cambridge. Received strict family education from childhood. Five years old began to learn painting and calligraphy, politics, economy, culture and art, covering a wide range of local masters guo Zhongfan, Party yunmin, Gao Jinyue's advice, listen to Mu Qing, Huang Zongying, Jia Pingwa, The Yellow River, Lv Houmin, Zhao Gang, Chen Xinghua, Li Baofeng, Wang Juzhou, Li Baozhu and other people's teachings, benefit a lot. In the local government and enterprises in various positions of work, handy, gratifying results. Since 1984, he has been awarded honors such as "Outstanding Party Member", "Advanced Worker of Political Thought" and "Outstanding Worker of Trade Union". He has been awarded more than 300 titles such as "Builder of the Republic -- Outstanding Figures of Meritorious Service" and "Contemporary Chinese Style Figures". And like painting and calligraphy commentary, for more than 60 calligraphers and painters in and outside the province to write commentary articles, published in various newspapers. Cultural works are scattered in newspapers and magazines. More than ten political research papers, such as "New and Real political and Ideological Work in Enterprises", won awards at national academic conferences and were compiled into seven works published by the national first-class publishing house "Life of the Party - - Strengthening the Construction of the Party's Governing Ability". His life resume and calligraphy and painting works have been collected into more than 30 books.

In 2004, he successfully held wu Wanfu's photography exhibition in Jinchang and Wuwei, exhibiting 168 pieces of his works. On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party and the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March, wu Wanfu's calligraphy and painting exhibition was successfully held in Jinchang and Wuwei, exhibiting 128 paintings and calligraphy works. Calligraphy and painting works are favored by groups and individuals at home and abroad, and are widely collected. Published more than 4000 news articles in many newspapers and periodicals nationwide.

In February 2018, his works were exhibited in the 2018 Painting and Calligraphy Masters Art Exhibition of Chinese Dream and won the title of "Artist with the most National Cultural Style". In July 2017, he was jointly awarded the title of "Famous Artist of Virtue and Art of the Republic" by Confucius Cultural Institute International, Chinese Academy of Painting and Chinese Calligraphy Society. In 2018, during the national "TWO sessions", "Art View Newspaper" issued a special issue to promote Wu Wanfu's special edition in C6. The "Personalized Stamps of People's Public Servants" will be published and issued by China National Philatelic Products Development Committee and China Philatelic Publicity Center. "The 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China reform Pioneer personalized stamps"; "The Belt and Road China Dream" limited edition stamp Album of photography works of Wu Wanfu, a famous contemporary Chinese photographer; Limited edition stamp Album celebrating the 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. Warmly celebrate the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up "painting and calligraphy art" the Road to Revival "to commemorate the character - contemporary painting and calligraphy master Wu Wanfu". Wu Wanfu -- Official website of the Internet of Arts. Great Wall culture painting and calligraphy network - wu Wanfu official network. Artist painting and calligraphy official network - Chinese masters market network. Arts committee news - official website of arts committee of CCA. Published Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy master Wu Wanfu electronic album, by Chinese art for the people - Wu Wanfu, Wu Wanfu - 40 years of 40 painters and calligrapher to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up special report. Wu Wanfu -- New Era painting and calligraphy leaders exhibition. By the new Great Wall organizing Committee awarded Wu Wanfu "China Great Wall Culture Gold Award", "China new Great Wall Outstanding Artist", calligraphy and painting works were carved inlaid on the Badaling New Great Wall. From September 7 to 8, 2018, the 2018 China Health Industry Summit Forum & Chinese Dream was held in the CCTV Star Avenue Studio. Healthy dream. Painting and Calligraphy Dream Award ceremony organizing committee awarded "2018 Chinese contemporary Painting and calligraphy ten Leading figures".

In October 2018, he was awarded as "China's Most Powerful Artist" by Chinese Artists Association, Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese People's Calligraphers and Painters Association and Chinese Traditional Culture Development Center. Wu Wanfu's painting and calligraphy works have been exhibited in Taiwan, Korea, France, Hungary, Sino-Russian art exhibition and Britain. On July 10, 2017, the Chinese painting "Yulan Peacock" won the gold medal in the "Commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland national Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting and Photography Competition". On August 1, 2017, "MAO Zedong in the Anti-japanese Period" won the gold medal in the "Commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army National Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting and Photography Competition". On October 10, 2018, the paper cutting "Four Beauties" won the gold medal in the National Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting and Photography Competition to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening up. In August 2018, in the "Jinding Art Award National Painting and Calligraphy Competition", coke ink landscape "Qi Lian Rhyme" and calligraphy "theme words of the 19th National Congress" won the bronze prize. In November 2018, he won the silver prize in the "first 'Calligraphy and Ink Danqing' National Painting and Calligraphy Competition". In January 2019, he won the gold medal in the "Hundred Flowers Spring National Painting and Calligraphy Competition" Chinese painting "The Wind of the King" and calligraphy "Lishu Couplet". In the national Painting and Calligraphy Competition of the New Era of Art in 2019, Chinese painting "Spring full of Mountains and Rivers" and calligraphy "Chinese Dream" both won gold MEDALS. In June 2018, it was presented at "Yaji Jinghua". Five poems in praise of the 13th Political Association won the first prize. And was selected into "China contemporary fine works appreciation daquan" published. His prose "Looking for the red Footprints" won the gold medal in the "Four Seas Cup Calligraphy and Painting Competition of poetry Union at home and abroad", and was included in the "four seas Cup Calligraphy and painting collection of poetry Union at home and abroad" published. In December 2018, the China Federation of Literary and Art Publishing House, Published "Wu Wanfu works", "Chinese Contemporary Masters Dictionary", "Chinese calligrapher and painter newspaper", "China Enterprise News", "Chinese Great Wall Art", "Chinese masters works collection and Appreciation" advertising. In June 2019, CETV Ink Painting Academy Jining Branch was awarded the title of "Leader of Chinese painting and calligraphy art development" as the "Belt and Road Outstanding painting and calligraphy leading figure" publicity. On August 5, 2019, he was employed by the New Era People's Art Network as the honorary life director of the "New Era People's Art Network Art Committee". On August 30, 2019, I won the Silver Cup award in the online voting activity of "Artist" for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. His solo album was released. By the national modern art network has launched: "People report" the most investment collection value of contemporary painting and calligraphy master Wu Wanfu. "Two sessions special Topics" 2019 National two sessions focus on recommended art master wu Wanfu. Wu Wanfu, a famous artist recommended by the state for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. By the people's art collection network project "two meetings" oh ", report to the people's tribute to the two sessions, "2019 national annual official recommended artists, and have six departments jointly won the 13th session of the National People's Congress second conference in 2019, the thirteenth session of the national committee of the second meeting, the two key recommendation" people's artist "title of honor. His personal notes have been included in the dictionary of Chinese Contemporary Calligraphers and painters, Dictionary of World Artists, 70 Years of Chinese Art, and Book of Heroes and Models for the Honor of the Motherland. · On June 29, 2019, I was invited to participate in the "Mingde Leads The Fashion to Express The Era -- Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China Symposium of New Literary and Artistic Groups" held by the Working Committee of New Literary and Artistic Groups of Chinese Association of Painters and Calligraphers in Beijing Convention Center. In July, in order to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary, he was specially invited to attend the Hungarian painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. On July 19, 2019, Wu Wanfu was highlighted by the People's Daily client with the theme of "lush and majestic, with a long artistic conception". In January 2020, in the "Hundred Flowers Art Award" national painting and calligraphy competition, Chinese painting "Fu Sing fu" and calligraphy "Thick De Zai Fu" won the gold medal. In may, in the third Lanting Art Award national competition, Chinese painting "Angels in white fighting the Plague" calligraphy running book from the poem "United To fight the Plague" won the gold medal. During the anti-epidemic period, he made nearly 100 paintings, calligraphy and paper cutting works at home. By the People's Daily network, famous calligrapher and painter network, Beijing painting and calligraphy network, Wuwei artist network publicity reports. Donated six paintings and calligraphy works to Beijing National Art People's Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. On November 1, 2020, in the second "Golden Tripod Art Award" national painting and calligraphy competition activities, art works "Galloping Horse", calligraphy and seal script "River Huang" were awarded the gold medal.







2020 年在纪念中国人民志愿军抗美援朝出国作战70 周年全国诗词书画摄影展中,国画《友谊万岁》获金奖,并被授予“中朝友好艺术大使”荣誉称号。在首届“美丽中国”全国诗词书画摄影大赛活动中,摄影《夏日》获金奖,并被授予“生态文明艺术大使”荣誉称号。被中国互联网联盟颁发年度之最2020 全球贡献人物奖杯。吴万福被编入全国书画艺术委员会、中国华夏巨匠书画院编辑;中国文联出版社、中国传统文化发展中心监制出版发行的" 艺术名家"2021 年纪念建党100 周年官方纪念版精品台历。吴万福被新华社客户端;环球日报;中国互联网联盟的作品;世界名人书画网;中国文化商会、中国百家媒体组委会,进行重点报道宣传。吴万福被中国互联网联盟颁发[ 守文化之重创时代之新] 中华优秀传统文化艺术大家荣誉证书。吴万福被中国互联网联盟、世界名人书画颁发2020 年度全球各界贡献人物“年度之最”奖杯。吴万福在2020 年“金鼎艺术奖”全国书画大赛活动中,书法《河湟》、美术《骏马奔驰》均获金奖。吴万福在2021 年" 百花迎春”全国书画大赛中美术剪纸《向抗疫英雄致敬》、书法对联《立志不隨流俗转》均获金奖。吴万福2020 年12 月1 日被《汉字慧》丛书编委会,特聘为《汉字慧》一书荣誉编委。2021 年全国两会权威推荐“德艺双馨”人民艺术家——吴万福。热烈庆祝中国共产党建党100 周年,百名家名作一吴万福作品精选。在庆祝建党100 周年活动中,被中国国际报告文学研究会、中国科学专业委员会、北京五洲华人文化发展中心,举办的《激荡百年一领航中国百业功勋人物功臣录》被定为封面人物;暨[ 领航中国百业功勋人物] 荣光像章。2021 年4 月28 至5 月1 日在上海国家会展中心,参加了庆祝建党百年上海峰会,并获得奖杯、证书、胸章。2021 年5 月12日至15 日在曲阜,参加“雅集京华. 诗会百家” 全国第四届百家诗会颁奖典礼。七律《钟馗扶正除魔》等五首诗获一等奖,并被收编入《当代中国诗人精品大观》出版发行。在2021年"百花迎春”全国书画大赛活动中书法《对联》、剪纸《向抗疫英雄致敬》均获金奖。在2021年第三届“丹青.中国梦”全国书画大赛活动中,书法《沁园春.雪》国画《达摩过江图》均获金奖。在2021年首届"书画中国”全国书画大赛活动中,剪纸《向抗疫英雄致敬》国画《友谊万岁》书法《天道酬勤》均获金奖。在为建党100周年献礼吴万福作品由翰墨国艺文化研究院、中国艺术文献出版社,入编"百年巨匠一一新中国艺术大典”精品集,被各大驻华大使馆馆藏并发荣誉证书。作品被北京京华阁书画院编入"笔墨春秋”建党百年献礼作品集。被中国美术出版社将吴万福作品编入,庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大型美术文献图书《建党百年》影响中国艺坛100位艺术大家。被当代文艺出版社、百年百家编委会,编入庆祝中国建党百年大型艺术文献《百年百家》,被授予“德艺双馨书画百家”荣誉称号。书法篆书《观海听涛》在2021年“国都杯展”全国美术书法邀请展中获金奖。八月份作为建党百年献礼将在北京展出。并被收编入《国都杯全国美术书法作品集》出版发行。由中国文联出版社出版的《百年巨匠》中国当代艺术名家。纪念中国共产党成立100周年书画精品珍藏集。吴万福入编。由美术档案出版社,出版发行的《中国艺坛榜样人物一一吴万福、范迪安》水晶琉璃册,授予吴万福《中国艺坛榜样人物》荣誉称号。并被多家网联宣传。由中国百家媒体组委出品中国艺坛两大家一一向中国共产党百年华诞献礼。(孙晓云、吴万福)并被多家网络宣传。

In 2020, in the national Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting and Photography exhibition to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army going abroad to fight against the United States and aid Korea, the Traditional Chinese painting "Long Live Friendship" won the gold medal and was awarded the honorary title of "Art Ambassador of Sino-Korean Friendship". In the first "Beautiful China" National Poetry and Calligraphy photography competition, the photography "Summer" won the gold medal, and was awarded the honorary title of "ecological civilization art Ambassador". Awarded the 2020 Global Contribution Award by China Internet Federation. Wu Wanfu was included in the National Painting and Calligraphy Art Committee, China Huaxia Giant Painting and Calligraphy Academy editor; China Federation of Literary arts Publishing House and Chinese Traditional Culture Development Center supervised the production and distribution of the fine art Masters official commemorative edition in 2021 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Wu Wanfu by Xinhua client; Global Times; Works of China Internet Alliance; World Celebrity Painting and Calligraphy Network; China Culture Chamber of Commerce, China hundred Media organizing Committee, focus on publicity. Wu Wanfu was awarded the honorary certificate of Outstanding Chinese traditional culture and art masters by China Internet Alliance. Wu Wanfu was awarded the "Most of the Year" trophy by China Internet Alliance and World Celebrity Painting and Calligraphy in 2020. Wu Wanfu won the gold medal in the "Golden Tripod Art Award" national painting and calligraphy competition in 2020, calligraphy "River Huang" and fine art "Galloping Horse". Wu Wanfu won the gold medal in the 2021 "Flowers welcome Spring" national painting and calligraphy competition in the art paper-cut "Salute to the anti-epidemic heroes", calligraphy couplets "Aspire not to change with the customs". On December 1, 2020, Wu Wanfu was appointed as the honorary editorial board member of the Book "Chinese Character Wisdom" by the editorial board of the series. In 2021, wu Wanfu will be the people's artist recommended by the national two sessions. Warmly celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, one hundred famous works of wu Wanfu selected works. In the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the book "The Record of The Outstanding Figures in One Hundred Years leading China" was selected as the cover by The China Society of International Reportage studies, China Science Professional Committee and Beijing Wuzhou Chinese Cultural Development Center. And [Leading Chinese hundred industry meritorious personage] glory badge. From April 28 to May 1, 2021 in Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center, participated in the Shanghai Summit celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Party and won the cup, certificate and badge. From May 12 to 15, 2021 in Qufu, participate in "Ya Ji Jinghua". "The fourth National Hundred Poetry Club Award Ceremony. Qi Lu "Zhong Kui Fuzheng Exorcising demons" and other five poems won the first prize, and was collected into the "Contemporary Chinese poet quality overview" published. In 2021 "Hundred Flowers welcome Spring" national painting and calligraphy competition, calligraphy "Couplet" and paper cutting "Salute to the heroes of the epidemic" both won the gold medal. In 2021, the third "Danqing". Chinese dream "national painting and calligraphy competition activities, calligraphy" Qinyuan Spring. Snow "Chinese painting" Dharma across the River map "won the gold medal. In the first "Painting and Calligraphy China" national painting and calligraphy competition in 2021, paper cutting "Salute to the heroes against the epidemic" Chinese painting "Long Live Friendship" calligraphy "God rewards those who work hard" were awarded the gold medal. For the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, Wu Wanfu's works by the Hanmo National Art and Culture Research Institute, Chinese Art Literature Publishing House, into the compilation of "one hundred years of a new Chinese art ceremony" boutique collection, by the major Embassy collections in China and honorary certificates. His works were compiled by Beijing Jinghuage Calligraphy and Painting Academy into the "Pen and Ink Spring and Autumn Period" party centennial tribute collection. Wu Wanfu's works were compiled by China Fine Arts Publishing House to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. By contemporary literature and Art publishing house, hundred years of editorial committee, compiled into the celebration of the Founding of the Chinese Party hundred years of large-scale art literature "hundred years of Art", was awarded the honorary title of "virtue and art double xin hundred of calligraphy and painting". The calligraphy and seal script "Observing the sea and listening to the tao" won the gold medal in the national Art and calligraphy Invitational Exhibition of "Guodong Cup Exhibition" in 2021. It will be displayed in Beijing in August as a tribute to the party's centenary. And was collected into the "Guodu Cup national Art and calligraphy collection" published. Published by the China Federation of Literary and Art Publishing house, "master of one hundred years" Chinese contemporary art. A collection of calligraphy and painting works commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Wu Wanfu joined the editorial. By fine arts Archives publishing house, the publication of the "Chinese art circle model figures - Wu Wanfu, Fan Dian" crystal glaze book, awarded Wu Wanfu "Chinese art circle model figures" honorary title. And by a number of network publicity. Produced by the Chinese 100 media committee, two masters of Chinese art circles present the centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China. (Sun Xiaoyun, Wu Wanfu) and by a number of network publicity.





















