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2021年恭贺新春代表人物 中国当代著名书法家——王天唏

2020-12-31 14:58 来源:综合


王天晞,1946年出生于西安市,祖籍山西永济,学历研究生。曾任职军事博物馆办公室主任、陈列宣教部部长兼研究馆员,连任四届全军和国课题室主任;中国博物馆学会、军事学会、楹联学会、北京诗词学会会员,解放军红叶诗社社员,西北大学特聘教授,莲花诗社社长等。20世纪60年代起任西北大学校报常务副总编并发表作品;70年入伍采编部队新闻评论;80代耕耘理论著述;90年代起,连续承办四届全国全军军事科研课题。编著出版全军“八五”课题《中国战典》,著有全军“九五”课题《中国战争发展史》(任常务副主编)《毛泽东军事生涯》等数百万字,获得全军科研成果奖。秉承名师“学书楷正,自我草行”的教义,长年临池不辍。书作屡见报刊、参展并被收藏,获奖。世纪之交任职期间,带领团队筹建抗美援朝馆被评为全国十大精品陈列,获文博界最高奖项。随后,承办主编国家社会科学课题,《中国历代战争哲学探源》,荣获全军军事科研优秀成果奖;编著出版《中国战争史地图集》,任国家原创图书副主编兼编审室主任,获全国第二届中华优秀图书奖,2011年3月荣获第二届中国出版政府奖提名奖和年度设计裴秀大奨。退休后潜心中国诗词和书法艺术研究,入门入道多有获悟。2017年春荣获联合国可持续发展目标推进行动组委会《和平公益书法大使》奖牌;2018年被首届中国传统文化年度人物总结表彰大会评为“博鳌中国当代德艺双馨艺术家",书作被收藏。2019年,参加新中国70华诞献礼,被中国书画艺术促进会评为十位"艺术标兵"之一;被中国互联网新闻中心授予"博览五千年 塑造当代贤一一标杆书画家"。在全国书画名家抗疫"环球行″工作中,被授予"大爱无疆"艺术家荣誉称号和"中国艺术抗疫大使";又荣获2020年全国两会推荐2020·当代艺术领军人物。被中国互联网联盟颁发年度之最一一2020年度全球各界顶级人物,荣获水晶奖标。被中国书画家协会聘为"名誉主席";被文化部艺朮发展等三个中心联合授予"国家一级艺术大师″。

Wang Tianxi, born in 1946 in Xi'an, is a graduate student of Yongji, Shanxi Province. He once served as the director of the office of the Military Museum, director of the Department of exhibition, propaganda and education, and research librarian. He was re elected as the director of the Research Office of the whole army and the State Council for four terms. He is a member of the Chinese Museum Society, the military society, the couplet society, and the Beijing poetry society, a member of the red leaf Poetry Society of the PLA, a distinguished professor of Northwest University, and the president of the lotus poetry society. Since the 1960s, he has been the executive deputy editor in chief of the newspaper of Northwest University and published works; he has joined the army for 70 years to collect and edit news reviews of the army; he has worked hard in theory in the 80s; since the 90s, he has undertaken four successive military scientific research projects of the whole army. He edited and published the military's "Eighth Five Year Plan" project "Chinese war dictionary", wrote the military's "Ninth Five Year Plan" project "history of Chinese War development" (as executive deputy editor) and "Mao Zedong's military career", and won the military scientific research achievement award. Adhering to the famous teacher's doctrine of "learning regular script, self drafting", linchi has been working for many years. The books are published, exhibited, collected and awarded. During his tenure at the turn of the century, he led the team to prepare for the construction of the anti US aggression and aid Korea Museum, which was rated as one of the top ten fine exhibitions in China and won the highest award in the cultural and Expo circles. Later, he undertook and edited the national social science project "exploring the origin of Chinese war philosophy" and won the outstanding achievement award of military scientific research of the whole army; He edited and published the atlas of Chinese war history, served as deputy editor in chief of national original books and director of editorial office, and won the second China Excellent Book Award. In March 2011, he won the nomination award of the second China publishing government award and the annual design award of Pei xiuda. After retiring, he devoted himself to the study of Chinese poetry and calligraphy, and got a lot of enlightenment. In the spring of 2017, he won the medal of "calligraphy ambassador for peace and public welfare" by the Organizing Committee of the United Nations action for promoting sustainable development goals; in 2018, he was awarded the title of "Boao Chinese contemporary artists with both virtues and arts" by the first annual summary and commendation conference of Chinese traditional culture, and his works were collected. In 2019, he participated in the 70th birthday of the people's Republic of China, and was rated as one of the ten "art pacesetters" by the Chinese painting and Calligraphy Art Promotion Association; he was awarded the title of "five thousand years of Expo, shaping contemporary virtuous artists and calligraphers" by China Internet News Center. He was awarded the honorary title of "boundless love" artist and "ambassador of Chinese art against epidemic" in the work of "global tour" of national famous calligraphers and painters against epidemic; he was also awarded the title of "2020 · leader of contemporary art" recommended by the national two sessions in 2020. He was awarded the top person of the year 2020 by China Internet Alliance and won the crystal award. He was appointed as "honorary chairman" by Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association and awarded "national first-class art master" by three centers of art development of the Ministry of culture.

作品展示:Exhibition of works

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