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2020-10-16 09:09 来源:人民日报欧洲网

周仁培,1944年出生,笔名迅之,江苏无锡人,中国书法家协会会员、理事,国家特级书法师,中国书画协会名誉主席,签约书画家,当代艺术大师,中国当代著名书法大家,世界美学艺术大师。编剧,并工诗词、通音乐;创作的格言、诗、词,均获国内外大奖。1990年至今创作的电视连续剧《蓝桥情》、《你好,光明使者》(6 集)《马路晨星》(20集),分别在无锡、中央电视台等黄金时段和重要时段播出,《蓝桥情》反响强烈。

自幼学书、习文,攻各体,自成一体,尤擅揩、行、草,书作既显二王精华,又具颜柳特色,笔力苍劲挺拔,雄浑凝固,俊逸洒脱,神采飞扬。现为(国际)中国书法家协会会员,亚洲书法家联合会会员、理事,中国柳倩艺术研究院教授、学部委员,高级书画师,中国艺术学院博士生导师,中国书画名家研究会名誉主席,中国当代艺术协会终身荣誉主席,中国文艺家联合会副主席,中家书画院副院长,中国“八一”画院名誉院长,无锡市、江苏省电影电视艺术家协会会员,香港中国书画院研究会荣誉会长,日本东京书画院高级院士等一百六十余项国家级、国际级职务;在北京、东京、巴黎、香港、纽约、 新加坡、首尔、悉尼、印尼等国内外大展大赛中,五十余次荣获金奖、特等奖,并授予《中华杰出艺术家》、《世界杰出华人艺术家》、《世界华人艺术大师》、 《中国百位杰出书法家》、《鼎盛中国一100位最具影响力艺术家》、《国家一级艺术家》、《一代宗师》、《中国艺圣》、《中华文圣》、《世界文圣》等八十余种荣誉称号;作品、个人简介及业绩入编《军魂》、《党魂》、《国魂》、《奥运之歌》、《光辉历程》、《共和国骄子》、《中国精神文明大典》等六十余部国家级、国际级大典;其书法作品等级认定为中国艺术品顶级品牌,国家一级珍贵艺术品,最具收藏价值的艺术品,印证了在当代书坛上所传颂的《北有沈鹏,南有仁培》的美誉。

Zhou Renpei, born in 1944 with the pen name of Xunzhi, was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. He is a member and director of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, a national super calligrapher, honorary chairman of the Chinese calligraphy and Painting Association, a contract calligrapher, a contemporary art master, a famous contemporary Chinese calligrapher, and a world aesthetic art master. He wrote plays, combined poetry and music, and created mottos, poems and Ci, which won awards at home and abroad. Since 1990, the TV series "love of the blue bridge", "Hello, bright messenger" (6 episodes) and "morning star on the road" (20 episodes) have been broadcast in Wuxi, CCTV and other prime and important periods respectively, and the "blue bridge love" has a strong response.

Since childhood, learning books and writing has been in high spirit. It is a good way to attack all kinds of bodies, and to make good use of it. He is now a member of (International) Chinese Calligraphers Association, member and director of Asian Calligraphers Association, professor and member of academic department of China LiuQian Art Research Institute, senior calligrapher and painter, doctoral supervisor of China Academy of Arts, honorary chairman of China painting and Calligraphy Association, lifelong honorary chairman of China Contemporary Art Association, vice chairman of China Federation of artists and artists, vice president of Zhongjia calligraphy and painting academy He has more than 160 national and international positions, including honorary president of the national "August 1" Painting Academy, member of Wuxi City and Jiangsu Province film and Television Artists Association, honorary president of Hong Kong Chinese painting and Calligraphy Academy Research Association, and senior academician of Tokyo painting and Calligraphy Academy in Japan In Singapore, Seoul, Sydney, Indonesia and other major exhibitions and competitions at home and abroad, more than 50 times have won gold and special awards, He has been awarded "Chinese outstanding artist", "world outstanding Chinese artist", "World Chinese art master", "Chinese art master of the world" More than 80 kinds of honorary titles, such as "one hundred outstanding calligraphers in China", "100 most influential artists in the heyday of China", "national first-class artist", "master of a generation", "sage of Chinese art", "sage of Chinese Literature" and "world literary sage"; his works, personal profiles and achievements have been included in "soul of the army", "soul of the party", "soul of the nation", "song of the Olympic Games" and "glorious journey" 》There are more than 60 national and international grand ceremonies such as "the proud son of the Republic" and "the grand ceremony of Chinese spiritual civilization". Their calligraphy works are recognized as the top brand of Chinese art, the national first-class precious art works, and the most collectable art works, which confirms the good reputation of Shen Peng in the north and Renpei in the south.