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2018-12-03 11:25 来源:综合


丹麦国家历史博物馆 地址:Frederiksborg Slot, 3400 Hillerød, Denmark菲德烈堡是斯堪的纳维亚半岛(Scandinavia)最大的文艺复兴城堡,也是北欧最壮观的景点之一。菲德烈堡宫又叫水晶宫。其建筑群座落在湖水中的三个小岛上,四面湖光潋滟,景色美不胜收。在国王克里斯蒂安四世(King Christian IV)的命令下,由当时最出色的能工巧匠在17世纪初期联手建成。共有60个厅堂,是北欧现存的最显赫的文艺复兴风格的建筑,有“丹麦的凡尔赛宫”之称。博物馆从肖像画、历史画、家具和装饰艺术品勾勒出丹麦500年的历史。博物馆拥有全丹麦最庞大的肖像画藏品,而且新的作品还在不断地被博物馆纳入收藏之中。


丹麦国家历史博物馆馆长 麦特.斯库歌德 致开幕词









Opening time: 3 PM on November 22


Exhibition time: November 22-December 31









utobiographical Note

Light has always been one of the most important elements in my work. I believe that the beauty of a painting will be completely lost if there is no light on the canvas.

There are 25 oil paintings selected for the exhibition, half of which are self-portraits, recording my changes over the past 15 years. Among these works, some depict my younger days when I just graduated from an art college and started to work, some outline my childhood dreams, and some present my dramatic representations of emotions. The selection also includes the works which record the moments of myself in confusion and of self-doubt, and which note a gesture of self-confidence by describing a confident me with a flower dangling from my lips. In the still life paintings on exhibition are those of the sofa and suitcases used by my parents, and those telling my thoughts on time and life. I have been tracking the thoughts that life has brought to me and enjoy capturing the moments that touch me.

I feel obsessed with the light and shade presented by all things when they are lighted. I observed that in my daily life — that of candlelight, of sunlight after the rain, and of lamplight. However, I am very strict with the subject; in other words, if I am not moved by it, it will never become the subject matter of my works. Be that as it may, I couldn't wait to record it with my paintbrushes that the beauty I notice from a certain angle, or of a certain moment, that the dramatic nature I sense of a story, or that a flash of inspiration which hits me when I look into the mirror on some day. For me, just noting that down is not enough, because I get more satisfaction from the visuals.

I started to study lights a decade or so ago, influenced by Rembrandt, the Dutch painter. At the same time, however, I kept drawing inspiration from the Oriental arts and aesthetics in which I found the sense of belonging. The paintings, from those as a tribute to Rembrandt in, to those bearing my memory of the past, and to those describing a fantasy world in my mind, are all completed from the standpoint of me as an Asian artist, a view shared by all the people grown up in that land. In addition to the common-used language by Asian artists, I have been making every effort to explore the unique expressions of my own. A few of my works from "the Republican Period" and "Autobiography" series, which are the most representative works of my individuality, are also included in this exhibition. Along with the application of chiaroscuro and Chinese elements, I also examined in-depth my thinking on humanity and the fun value of my observing perspective. This is best illustrated by Time is not Static and Autobiography-Risky Moment. In my works, I also paid attention to special groups of people in our society, as shown in The Boy in a Red Turban. This work is a vivid portrayal of a child suffering from a squint. The arrangement of a red turban expresses my good wishes for him to become brave and strong, and as a holy golden glow is cast over him, so does I hope him to be blessed. Among the works on exhibition, three of them feature qipao, or cheongsam, a dress of Chinese origin and with distinctive Chinese characteristics. Painted in red, black, and blue, they are expected to give you a sense of the beauty of the dress and that of oriental femininity. I also hope that, through this exhibition, my Danish audience will be able to see the inner world of a Chinese young artist.

4th September


《自传体-骄傲的骑士) 45X55 年代 2015 布面油画

Autobiography - Proud Knight



Oil on canvas


《大民国-春橘》尺寸50X60CM 年代2015 布面油画

The Republican Period - Spring Orange



Oil on canvas


《 自传体-年轻的爱情》 65X80CM 年代2015布面油画

Autobiography - Young Love



Oil on canvas


《自传体-危险时刻 》 65cm×80cm 布面油画 2015年

Autobiography - Risky Moment



Oil on canvas


《大民国-绿玉芳华》直径80CM 年代2015 布面油画

The Republican Period - Youth

Diameter 80cm


Oil on canvas


《自传体-曾经的长发少年》-2012年 50X60CM 布面油画

Autobiography - Once Long-haired Boy



Oil on canvas


陈承卫, 1984年出生于中国 浙江 洞头,职业艺术家现居北京。先后毕业于中国美术学院和中国油画院。中国当代著名具象绘画代表人物之一。基于从小对神秘事物与戏剧性的热爱,他以一种非现实主义的切入点,吸收东西方古代的元素,将中国传统文化里的多种符号融入到当代思维的情景里,营造出独树一帜的具有中国韵味的绘画风格。这种具象的表达很好的将人物内心的感受呈现给观众。他坚持以传统的经典油画技法,用这个时代所给予他的反思,贴切的进行戏剧性的演绎,这种非现实又十分真实的距离感是他画面所特有的意境所在。尤其是他画面中对于光线的巧妙安排以及构图的独特,将人物的内心传达的淋漓尽致,这种与现代人不同却又能影射现代人的各种心理感受的画面,带给人们一种美的享受,一种追忆的美好感。他将自己沉浸在比较隐蔽的状态中,从中国油画的语境里寻找着属于他的独特情境,其作品参加展览无数,作品被中国大陆,香港,台湾,日本,新加坡,澳门,西班牙,俄罗斯,法国,德国,美国,英国,等地的重要藏家及机构收藏。

主要个展:2018年个展《MIRROR IMAGE》丹麦国家历史博物馆DET NATIONAL HISTORISKE MUSEUM, FREDERIKSBORG SLOT、 2018年个展Unexpected guest》英国伦敦SUNNY ART CENTRE.2018年 个展《The chase of light》美国纽约 CROSSING ART、2017年 个展《存在与虚无》中国台北 采泥艺术、2017年 个展《半生缘》中国香港 一画廊、2016年 个展《蔚蓝初心》中国浙江 温州展览馆、2015年《另一个我》陈承卫个展 中国 北京 今日美术馆。

主要群展:2018年浙江省油画展 台州当代美术馆,2017中青年写实绘画作品邀请展 北京 嘉德艺术中心。2017思辨与张力-当代中青年艺术展 上海新华中心。2017十目所及-中国当代青年具象绘画研究展 北京798凤凰含章艺术中心。嬗变-2016当代中国具象绘画学术邀请展 浙江 三清上艺术中心。2016第二届经典与传承-全国中青年写实绘画名家作品邀请展 浙江 宁波美术馆.2015“JC.雅各布森奖” 肖像大赛 丹麦 丹麦国家历史博物馆. 2015“回归”-山水美术馆开馆展 北京 山水美术馆.2015经典与传承-全国中青年写实绘画名家作品邀请展 浙江 宁波美术馆. 2014年第十二届全国美术作品展览油画作品展 浙江美术馆。2014“具象研究-经典写实”油画作品邀请展,江苏 凤凰艺都美术馆.203时代观照AAC艺术中国年度影响力六地巡回展 武汉美术馆,深圳关山月美术馆,西安天朗美术馆,成都 文轩美术馆,上海香山美术馆, 北京今日美术馆. 2013想象无限-中国青年艺术家计划展 北京 中华世纪坛.2013 八零写实油画作品展 北京亚洲艺术中心。2012新写实油画作品展 北京 中国美术馆.2012和而不同--当代青年油画展 北京 马奈草地美术馆.2012第五届中国国际青年艺术周 北京 时代美术馆. 2011重要的不是年代-写实油画作品展 北京 泰康空间.2010具象研究——重回经典 北京 时代美术馆. 2009浙江省第十二届美术作品展获铜奖 浙江美术馆 。2009第十一届全国美术作品展览油画作品展 湖北省艺术馆.2009全国油画新人展 北京 中国油画院. 2008中国美术大事记展 北京 中华世纪坛。2006年全国毕业生作品提名展 北京 今日美术馆。2006年中国美术学院毕业展 中国美术学院展览馆。

The Resume of Chen Chengwei

Chengwei Chen, born in Dongtou, Zhejiang Province in 1984, is a professional artist living in Beijing. He graduated from China Academy of Art and China Oil Painting Institute successively and is one of Chinese contemporary art’s famous figurative painters. From a young age, his love for both myth and drama was apparent. In later life, he managed to nurture and then merged this love with Chinese traditional culture into his own unique form of Chinese paintings. However, he takes inspiration not just from the eats, but also from the western style of art. Surprisingly, such figurative expressionism helps his audience to easily understand the characters’ inner feelings. He insists on continuing the traditional techniques of classic oil paintings and combines his socially diverse experience to present his feelings through paintings. Sometimes his works seem rather abstract, however they’re not the least bit inaccessible. Thanks to his ingenious arrangements of light and unique composition of paintings, the characters’ feelings are expressed to the full. Things depicted in his paintings, though different from modern society, still manage to reflect modern people's psychological feelings to some degree, and manage to conjure up positive emotions among his audience. He prefers to stay away from the public eye and tries to develop his unique painting style from Chinese oil painting history. His works have been exhibited many times, collected by important figures and institutes in the art scene, from mainland China to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Macau, Spain, Russia , France, Germany, the United States and the UK.

Main solo exhibitions:


● Unexpected guest,sunny art centre,London ,England,2018

● The chase of light, CROSSING COLLECTIVE,New York,America,2018

● Existence and nothingness, Mud Art, Tai Pei, China, 2017

● Half-life, Hong Kong, YAN Gallery, China, 2017

● Blue Beginnings, Wenzhou Exhibition Hall, Zhen Jiang, China,2016

● Another Me,Today Art Museum,Beijing,China,2016

Main group exhibitions

• Young and Middle-aged realistic painting works invited exhibition,Guardian Arts Center,Beijing,2017.

• Contemplation and Tension-Shanghai Contemporary Art Center, Shanghai Xinhua Center, 2017.

• Ten Objectives - China Contemporary Young Artists' Painting Research Exhibition, Beijing 798 Phoenix Art Center, 2017.

• Transmutation-Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition Invitational Painting, Zhejiang Sanqingshang Art Center, 2016 .

• The Second ‘Classic and Heritage’National Young and Middle-aged realist painting famous works invitation exhibition, Zhejiang Ningbo Art Museum, 2016.

• JC Jacobson Award Portrait Contest, Denmark National Museum of History, Denmark, 2016.

• Return, Landscape Art Museum opening exhibition, 2016;

• Classic and Inheritance National Young and Middle-aged Realist Painting Famous Works Invitation Exhibition, Zhejiang Ningbo Art Museum, 2015.

• National Art Exhibition Oil Painting Exhibition, Zhejiang Art Museum, 12th, 2014.

• Image Study - Classic Realism oil painting invitational exhibition, 2014.

• Times contemplation, AAC Art China Annual Impact Six touring exhibition, Wuhan Art Museum, Shenzhen Guan Shan Yue Museum, Xi'an Tianlang Art Museum, Chengdu Wenxuan Art Museum, Shangshan Art Museum, BeijingToday Art Museum , 2013.

• Imagine Infinite" Chinese Young Artists planning Exhibition, China Millennium Monument ,Beijing,2013

• Realism Oil Painting Exhibition of 1980s, Asian Art Center, Beijing, 2013.

• New realistic oil painting exhibition, China Art Museum ,Beijing, 2012.

Different but DifferentContemporary Youth Oil Painting Exhibition, Manet Meadows Art Museum Beijing, 2012.